Reframe Your Thoughts

mindset Dec 11, 2024

Hello my fellow Mindset Authors!

This week I want to talk about thoughts. Specifically, I want to talk about how to reframe your thoughts from negative to positive.

Why is this idea so important? Simply put, if you are always in a negative frame of mind with your thoughts that is all you are going to get out of life. Let me give you an example. If I go to work every day and think to myself "I hate my job and don't want to be there anymore because of x,y,z" I set myself up in a negative thought pattern.

On the other hand, if I go to work each day and say to myself something like, "Not every part of my job is my favorite but I really LOVE this part.", I am reframing my thoughts to show that there is something to be happy about in my job.

This is what I mean by reframing your thoughts. It's not easy to do this and sometimes it's going to be one hell of a struggle. There are days where you may think there is no reason to NOT be in a negative mindset. Those are the days that you are going to want to make a concerted effort to reframe your thoughts.

It's important to remember that we are all going to have times when our thoughts are going to be less than positive. That's okay. We're human and it happens. 

I want to challenge you this week to take one thought you have that may be negative and work to reframe that thought into a positive one. Write down how it makes you feel both as a negative thought AND once you reframe it. 

Until next week, remember, your mindset matters and so do you!


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