Journaling as Self-Care
Nov 08, 2024I want to talk about how writing or journaling can be a great way for you to practice self-care.
But first, we should probably define self-care.
According to dictionary dot com, it has a couple of definitions. One is the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. The other is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's health.
When it comes to holistic wellness, self-care is something that we can ALL take part in. The nice thing is that many of its associated practices can be done for little or no money. That’s true for today’s topic.
How To Practice Journaling as Self-Care
Writing and journaling are great ways to practice self-care. Whether you’re having a good day or a rough one, getting your thoughts down on paper and out of your head can be helpful. It can also be very cathartic after a long day, or even a few hours. So, when do people usually journal? That’s a tough one. Each person is different but I have seen patterns, in my journaling, and with others that I am close to who also do this.
Most people write just before going to bed, while others decide to do it at random times. One reason I love writing, as it relates to self-care, is that you can not only get your thoughts and frustrations out, but sometimes, it turns into a creative outlet too. This may happen for you, and it’s pretty cool!
How to Start Journaling
It takes some effort to start a new habit, and it’s not always easy. One of the things I’ve had to learn is to be consistent. Here are a few ways to help with that.
- Write down a time each day to journal (or every other day). This will help you keep the habit going, especially if it’s on a list that you need to check things off.
- Think about a prompt, or topic to write about. It doesn’t always have to be about the day. It can be feelings, thoughts that spring up, or just a brain dump. It’s all up to you! And finally,
- Let yourself just enjoy it! Nothing is really helping if you start thinking of it as a chore, or something to just “add to the to-do list”. You won’t stick with it that way.
I don’t suggest using a tablet or computer to write, in this case. Go get yourself a paper journal and a fun pen to use. That way, you feel motivated and look forward to writing. After all, this is self-care, not a chore. Also, you don’t have to do it each day, but try and set aside a couple of times a week, at least to do this amazing activity.
Well, that’s it for today. I hope to “see” you all back here, next week. Until then, stay well, and remember that self-care is never selfish! Namaste.
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